Did you know more than half of consumers report trust as a primary motivator for selecting who to shop with? Trust is important because nearly half of consumers prioritize brands they’ve purchased from before within the next year.
Trust is built throughout the entire sales process, but many marketers miss opportunities for loyalty by not dedicating time to the post-purchase. The post-purchase experience is just as important as the pre-sale experience because it prepares the consumer for their next purchase.
77% of poor experiences that break trust are directly related to problems after purchase, such as the lack of delivery updates or canceled purchases. This has been exuberated with the current climate (both COVID-19 and weather-related). Sometimes delivery errors cannot be prevented, but immediate communication can reduce frustrations and repair broken trust. One of the best channels for building trust is SMS messaging.
SMS is immediate, accessible, intimate and personal – the perfect recipe for trustworthiness. These qualities present SMS as the optimal channel for post-purchase communication. For example, marketers can create automated messaging to deliver order-related notifications. With timely notifications, consumers can rest assured their order is on its way.

In addition to order-specific messaging, marketers can also use SMS to deliver re-engagement messages, enticing consumers to make their next purchase soon. Using purchase behavior and interests, brands can send personalized incentive offers via SMS to Mobile Wallet. Enabling mobile wallet notifications, consumers can be alerted to offer end dates or changes to their wallet offer, further prompting usage.
Building upon SMS messaging, marketers can also use connectors for two-way chats with consumers worried about their order or questioning delivery status. Communicating as much during post-purchase as pre-sale builds trust with the consumer, perfectly setting up the next purchase. Additionally, for further engagement, brands can deploy post-purchase surveys or related products based on past purchases.
Loyalty can play a role in this process, as well. With a mobile wallet loyalty card, consumers can track purchases and loyalty points, as well as receive notifications when they earn a new reward.
Creating a fluid journey from pre-sale to post-purchase to pre-sale again builds a cycle of trust, ultimately leading to brand loyalty and advocacy.
With today's economic uncertainties, the risk for consumer sentiment is higher than normal. Control what you can by optimizing mobile communications to reach consumers when and where they are. SMS messaging has proven to be the key element that creates a healthy post-purchase experience for any ecommerce program or contactless shopping program.
Request a demo today to see how mobile messaging with Vibes can enhance your post-purchase marketing strategy.